FL Studio (until 2003 known as FruityLoops) is a digital audio workstation (DAW) developed by the Belgian company Image-Line. FL Studio features a graphical user interface with a pattern-based music sequencer. MUX 8 is a modular synth and effects plugin integrated within MuLab and available as a 32/64-bit VST plugin for macOS and Windows. It’s easy-to-use and goes deeper than most might expect. As well as having loads of instrument/effect presets, being a flexible step-sequencer, arpeggiator, and sampler, it lets you build custom synths and effects. LMMS (formerly Linux MultiMedia Studio) is a digital audio workstation application program.When LMMS is executed on a computer with appropriate hardware, it allows music to be produced by arranging samples, synthesizing sounds, playing on a MIDI keyboard, and combining the features of trackers and sequencers. VST32 version working fine in Mulab. Reply Stevie James Mar 24 2017 (4 / 5) Mar 24 2017 I really liked the VST. The sounds weren't right for my project but I can see.
32 or 64 bit ?
32 bit software can also run on a 64 bit Windows system! This means there is a little chance that you might need the 32 bit version of the plugin, even if your Windows version is 64 bit.

What's the difference?
32-bit software can only use a maximum of around 4 GB of the installed RAM, while a 64 bit system can use a nearly unlimited amount. To take advantage of this, you must be using both a 64-bit Windows version, and a 64-bit DAW recording software.
If you don't know whether you need the 32 or 64 bit version of the plugin, simply check the About link inside your DAW software. Usually it can be found under

Keep in mind that

and 32 bit
Mulab Vst3
is sometimes called x86.Another indicator is the installation path of your DAW. If it is installed in the Program Files (x86) folder, then it is most likely a 32 bit version. When the installation path is Program Files without (x86), then it is probaby a 64 bit version. Before considering that though, you should find and take a look at the About page mentioned above.
PolyM Download Page
On this page you’ll find :
- Full Version Installers : The installers you’ll need if you have purchased the PolyM.
- Demo Version Installers : The files needed to install the Dongle free DEMO version
- Ask for a Time limited License (iLok or eLicenser) : The license you need for demoing the full featured version
- Archives : The link to follow for older versions
- The Manual : The latest version of the PolyM Manual.
- Free VST Hosts: Some Free VST hosts that you can use to play the your product.
1- Download the latest Full Version PolyM Installer
Version 1.1.2 (July 27th):
- OSX : Crash when Exporting bank/Preset from the New Preset Manager, Fixed.
- Protools : Potential random crash fixed
- OSX 10.15 Catalina compatible (including PolyM FX)
Note : The PolyM can also uses the Soft Dongle Ilok Protection ( No hardware dongle required ). In case you choosed this version, you must download the Ilok installer.
Warning : the PolyM is not a stand alone application, but a plug-in to be inserted into a music software application ( DAW ) like Cubase, Live, Logic etc See at the end of this page the links to some freeware VST hows that allow to play the PolyM
Install tips on windows 7/8 and vista : After accepting the license agreement during the install process, you may have to browse your HDs to select valid user accessible folder ( ie one for wich you have access rights without having to log as admin ).The default folder is : c:/Users/Public/Documents/XILS-lab/PolyM
2- Download the latest DEMO Version of PolyM Installer
The PolyM Dongle/License free Demo Version has limited features (see below ) , but isn’t time limited. Additionnaly it doesnt require a dongle, nor a serial number.
The limited features demo keeps a pure sound ! no crackles, noise or silence ..
- No preset or project saving.
- No bank import or export.
- No automation or MIDI cc
- Unlimited time
- License Free : No dongle, license or serial number required
3- Ask for a Time Limited full version license
You can therefore save your presets and settings, and have access to all parameters , and you can begin to work at once on professional projects.
However, this version is time limited, requires a USB dongle for eLicencer or the iLok License Manager for iLok.
You must just fill the form below to get a valid temporary licence
Please fill the form following the next link to get an USB-eLicenser authorization code (AC) or iLok code asset that will allow you to redeem yur time limited full featured license for the PolyM
4- PolyM Manual
This is the latest version of the Manual. Please note that the manual is also installed during the installation process of the PolyM, and can be found in the folder where you have installed it.
5- FREE VST HOSTS that you can use to play the PolyM
the PolyM Macos software. is not a stand alone application, but a plug-in to be inserted into a music software application.
Here are some links to free VST hosts (given without any warranties)
free mac VST host :
- Mulab : http://www.mutools.com/mulab-downloads.html
- Apple AU Lab (look for Apple AU Lab on the net)
free windows VST host :
Mulab Vst Crack
- VSTHost : http://www.hermannseib.com/english/vsthost.htm