Browser property setup. Chrome: System.setProperty(“”. Python; Selenium; API Testing Tools; Database; Quiz Toggle Child Menu. Java Online Quiz; Selenium Online Quiz. Selenium WebDriver Commands Cheat sheet. Selenium Cheat Sheet for Java. Dec 16, 2019 3 min read. For Python version the link is here. To install Java go to this link. Selenium Cheat Sheet in Python. Install Selenium. To install Selenium webdriver, pip3 install selenium Dirty our hands! Import Selenium. Selenium WebDriver Cheat Sheet Cheat Sheet by Narayanan Palani. Terapias con oxigeno Cheat Sheet. Tipos de terapia con O2. Terapia, oxigeno.
Hey Finxters! I am back to write another top 10 cheat sheets for Python with libraries, open-source and frames that can be used with it.
Today, we are going to discuss Selenium Cheat Sheets used in Python.
To better explain, Selenium is an open-source web-based automation tool that allows you to test your web application in various ways including permit it to tap buttons or enter the content in structures. It is also a powerful tool for controlling web browser through programs and automation. I hope that you find these cheat sheets useful, tape them to your wall and study them as you work on your portfolio projects.
Without further ado, let us dive right into Selenium and the cheat sheets we need to learn it.
Cheat Sheet 1: GeeksforGeeks
This tutorial will get you started in Selenium and Python. It starts off with a table of contents to get you through the basics to more advanced methods, then followed by two tables, Selenium Web Drivers and Selenium Web Elements to help get you started on what you can expect.
Pros: Rated ‘E’ for everyone. Perfect for if you are just starting out.

Cons: None that I can see.
Cheat Sheet 2: CPPBuzz
Though this cheat sheet uses examples in Java, it does go through the various commonly used methods in Selenium for web browser manipulations. From loading a webpage to finding an element by XPath. This cheat sheet is great for beginners wanting to understand Selenium and all of the languages it supports.
Pros: Rated ‘E’ for everyone. These commonly used methods are subject to be used on almost every project so be sure to pin this one to the wall.
Cons: None that I can see.
Cheat Sheet 3: STM (Software Testing Material)
This cheat sheet is specifically designed for common exceptions for Selenium, and how to handle them. It will give you a list of exceptions and their definitions on what each error is, as well as each case they might occur. Honestly, take the time to highlight this cheat sheet before taping it to the wall. This cheat sheet is going to be your best friend when learning exceptions in Selenium.
Pros: Rated ‘E’ for everyone.
Cons: None that I can see.
Cheat Sheet 4: DZone RefCards
This cheat sheet will teach you all about Selenium. While it claims to have everything, you need to know about Selenium, I cannot confirm that. What I can confirm is that it is perfect for beginners and intermediate developers to learn Selenium with. From what it is all about to how to install. This cheat sheet will take you through the basics of what you need to learn. The only way to get better is to practice though! Keep it handy nearby as you go through Selenium.
Pros: Rated ‘E’ for everyone.
Cons: Latest mac os version download. None that I can see.
Cheat Sheet 5: Automate the Planet
This cheat sheet is a collection of the ‘most exhaustive’ list of web driver locators. Even though it says its for C#, understand that Selenium can be used for many languages including Python, without its commands changing from language to language. It lists default methods and attributes, complete XPath Locators, and complete CSS selectors.
Pros: Rated ‘E’ for everyone. It is a good list to keep handy when working in Selenium.
Cons: None that I can see.
Cheat Sheet 6: All Selenium
This cheat sheet uses the most frequently used Selenium and Python. It will give you clear instructions for Auto downloading, locating elements, and reading browser details. It has a list of Python Selenium commands for operations on elements including code snippets so you can if you are doing it right. It specifically works in Python for those who are just starting to learn Selenium with Python.
Pros: Rated ‘E’ for everyone.

Cons: None that I can see.
Cheat Sheet 7: Intellipaat
Intellipaat is another on of those website I visit frequently for information and cheat sheets. This cheat sheet is for Selenium, it will show you the commands neatly separated and listed. It lets you know what each command is and what to write when using the method. It does not show you code examples, but it is one you would want to keep handy, taped to the wall.
Pros: Rated ‘E’ for everyone. By far, the easiest one to understand and implement.
Cons: None that I can see, though it does not have code snippets.
Cheat Sheet 8: Codoid
This cheat sheet is again for Python and WebDriver commands. These are helpful when learning to automate web application testing. It will teach you to install, maximize and minimize the windows, switching between frames and cookies. This is another great cheat sheet to have handy taped to the wall.
Pros: Rated ‘E’ for everyone. It is very clear on how to run each command.
Cons: None that I can see.
Cheat Sheet 9: Cheatography
Cheatography is another website I like to visit when I need any cheat sheet that is easily readable, and I can hang up on the wall for accessibility. This is another Selenium cheat sheet I would say is great way for testing yourself. It offers definitions, but not the actual code to write the method.
Pros: Easy to read, great for testing yourself on various definitions on Selenium.
Cons: For the intermediate developer, it offers no code methods.
Cheat Sheet 10: TechCanvass
While not exactly a cheat sheet, it is a perfect beginners guide to Selenium and offers tutorials on Selenium in Java. The nice thing is the commands do not change much from language to language. So, you will be able to convert it to your language of choice. This is the perfect way to get started.
Pros: Rated ‘E’ for everyone. Perfect beginner’s tutorial.
Cons: None that I can see.
Thank you once again for coming along on this journey with me to find the best Selenium cheat sheets on the web. Tape these to your wall or keep them in a handy reference notebook on the desk when you are working. I hope you find these articles informative and useful as you continue your journey in Python!
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Here you will learn how to control any browser application with a little Python and selenium. You can use this for creating your own Instagram Bot for example. We start with a few basics and end with a cheat sheet summarizing the most important code snippets. Let’s go!
One way to automate the tasks that are performed in the browser is to use a program that “records” your activities on the website and can play them back as often as you like. No coding is needed for this. Correspondingly stupidly the program executes its steps.
You can find a Chrome extension here, that allows you to record and play your tasks. Now this works for logging into Instagram well, but we need some kind of programming to make our automation a bit smarter.
Below I have added an example of how such a login via Selenium might look like. He notes all necessary HTML IDs to be able to access them directly later. If Instagram should change the IDs at a later time, the user will surely not notice it. The bot will still not find the individual parts again and will fail.
First of all. We will not directly control the browser. We will write a script that uses a web driver to control a browser. For example, our Python script will use a ChromeDriver to control the web browser Google Chrome.
So we need Selenium and a Webdriver.
- Selenium: You can install selenium via “pip3 install selenium” inside for example Powershell.
- Webdriver: You can download it from the SeleniumHQ Website for your preferred Browser.
When using the program, you can set the path to the driver like this (Old way):
There is a better way to start. Create a new python Script and let it download and set chromedriver by itself. For that, we need “webdriver manager”:
Is this installed, you can now create a little Python file and run it to open a specific Website. In my case Instagram:

You can see the whole HTML Code right inside the Browser. Just right click and click “inspect”. You can also press “Ctrl + Shift + I”. You can use this to see all the IDs and points we will use to automate.
In Python, you now can use the “driver.find_element” to address exactly one spot. By their specific name or class or ID. Whatever suits you the most:
In my case, the Button doesn’t have any ID. So I have to target it via the “XPath” and search for the text inside the button. Each element has its own path. We can either search using the absolute path, which would result in errors if we changed the website structure. Or we search within our specified path for a word. Here the structure of the website can change as much as it wants, our word is always found.
Mac pro os download. In our case, it’s the word “next”. This way we can make sure that we notice when Instagram changes something as soon as possible because you have to change it so that it is changed for the user.
Selenium Python Cheat Sheet For Beginners
How to find your XPath and use it inside your Script
Selenium Python Cheat Sheet Examples
You now can find and click the button via the text the user can see, or via the XPath, you have copied above. The following Script will open Instagram, and waits 5 seconds till it clicks the Next Button. Of course, it won’t log in, because there is no data typed in.
xxx will be your variable which contains the XPath or name. In our Example above it would be “python_button”.
Radio Button | |
Click Checkbox | |
Click Button | |
Textfield | xxx.send_keys(“Hello World!”) |
Getting Text | xxx.get_attribute(“text”) |
Dropdown by visible text | xxx.select_by_visible_text(‘Germany’) |
Dropdown by value | xxx.select_by_value(‘1’) |