Debookee Tools


Debookee Tools allows you to intercept and then monitor network traffic. It launches a MITM so you may see and intercept the traffic of any device in the same subnet. A Man-In-The-Middle attack app. Regular traffic goes to and from the router to your device, but Debookee Tools puts itself in between the router your device with a MITM attack. Mac os sierra download for windows. Wireshark used to be a go-to option for both individuals and enterprises as it was the first tool that offer full set of proxy features in the market. However, after 15 years released, it seems to start causing inconvenience and developers now shift to more newly developed tools like Charles, Fiddler, Debookee. Debookee is a LAN and Wi-Fi packet-capture tool and network analyzer that allows you to see what your devices are sending over the network.

Debookee is a simple and powerful network traffic analyzer for Mac OS X. This app is able to intercept and monitor the traffic of any device in the same subnet, thanks to a Man-in-the-middle attack (MITM). It allows you to capture data from mobile devices on your Mac (iPhone, iPad, Android, BlackBerry.) or Printer, TV, Fridge (Internet of Things!) without the need of a proxy. Debookee is a network traffic analyzer, SSL/TLS decryption tool for mobiles (iPhone, iPad, Android) and WiFi Monitoring tool for macOS which allows you to monitor the traffic of all your devices and mobiles.

While LAN traffic analysis is a complex and demanding job, a network administrator must perform the routine job to ascertain the continuous, smooth operation of a network. By constantly working round the clock to maintain the smooth operation of networks, the administrators often search for and use the best LAN Traffic Analyzers, the best computer programs developed to help you review the traffic traversing your networks. Following is the list of the best LAN Traffic Analyzer tools that you should be using.



LanDetective Professional

Download this product for free, and use it to monitor the traffic flowing through your network. The LAN Detective Professional is a 20 MB, lightweight, up-to-date that will help you get the clear view of your LAN’s traffic in minutes.

Traffic Monitor for LAN

Traffic Monitor for LAN can ban users who exceed their traffic limits and it does support the Internet Protocol white list. Being able to monitor everyone’s traffic and set traffic records every month makes this tool a powerful solution for your business.

Debookee Tools

Debookee Tools

Network traffic analyzer

Track bandwidth uses per computer, user or IP address group. Analyze any traffic element any time any day with Network Traffic Analyzer. Moreover, the tool supports Cisco app recognition and fault management.


Best LAN Traffic Analyzer for Other Platforms


The availability of additional solutions for other platforms is necessary, for network administrator use different Operating Systems to monitor the traffic and performance behavior of their Local Area Network. There are no monitoring tools for Android smartphones, though, for the fact that you cannot use your mobile device to monitor your network just yet.

IPTraf for Linux

Network Administrators using Linux can never go wrong with IP Traf. By the way, the software helps you monitor the traffic of a wireless network. It is easy to use and very friendly.

Debookee Tools


Debookee for Mac

Debookee for Mac can capture data from mobile devices like Android smartphones and Blackberry. As long as the traffic traversing each device is on the same subnet, Debookee can help you do accurate and precise monitoring of packet flow.

Soft Perfect Network for Windows

Build your packets and distribute them to your network. Monitor events and reconstruct packet flows in minutes. Go even further and monitor all the loopback within your network system with this software.

Network Analyzer Popular for 2016

If you are looking for the best software for 2016, then you are sure as death that Network Analyzer is the big thing right now. Don’t just use it to analyze traffic; use it to understand the performance of your network. Buy apple notebook computer.

How to Install LAN Traffic Analyzer?

Many people do install software solutions without checking the installation manual, and this is a common practice because the installation instructions for any Operating System are always somewhat similar. While it is fine to go ahead and install the LAN Traffic Analyzer tool, it is important to read the installation instructions provided by the software manufacturer. You can also see Virtual Router Software

Usually, the installation document is often short, and the reason why you need to go through it is that it contains important installation instructions that you cannot just give a deaf ear. However, if the manufacturer did not write an installation manual, you can go ahead and install the software according to the instructions the provided on the installation models (dialog windows). You can also see Network Monitoring Software

A Local Area Network traffic monitoring tool uses monitoring groups to track and manage the LAN traffic statistics. In the actual sense, you can track events and statistics associated with all the hosts on your network. Besides, tracking the packets that flow through the entire network is a lot easier now, and you can even collect and compare traffic flow with the set threshold on the same network.

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